Product Code: Natural Hair Loss Treatment for Men

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Price: RS. 6,500/-
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Price: RS. 6,500/-


There are many reasons for hair loss in men. They range from stress and illness to many reasons. However, 95 % of men suffering from hair loss are doing so because it's in their genes. Androgenic alopecia, commonly referred to as male pattern baldness (MPB) is by far the leading cause of hair loss in men. If you're losing hair, it's probably because they passed sensitivity to a particularly strong form of testosterone called dihydrotestosterone, or DHT.

What is DHT?

DHT is an androgen, or hormone, that attacks your hair follicles, by shrinking them at first, in a process called follicle miniaturization, and gradually reducing the anagen, or growth phase of your hair in susceptible areas, including around the temple and crown areas of your head. Your hair becomes brittle and covers less of your scalp in this process, until the hair follicles inevitably die, thus ending hair growth. DHT is the leading cause of follicle miniaturization, therefore, when you're looking for a treatment for your hair loss, be sure to choose a treatment, such as Profollica, that tackles hair loss by addressing your DHT levels.

Other factors for hair loss in both men and women are:

1. Disease or illness

Losing hair could be a sign of being unhealthy. Illnesses such as systemic lupus erythematosis and syphilis, or thyroid disorder show hair loss as a symptom. Chronic kidney dysfunction may also cause lots of hair to fall as it makes them unhealthy, dry, and breakable.

2. Side effects of medications

Drugs that contain lithium, beta-blockers, warfarin, heparin, amphetamines, and levodopa (Atamet, Larodopa, Sinemet) can cause numerous hair to fall off. In addition, some medications being used in treating cancer like doxorubicin can cause rapid but temporary hair loss.

3. Hormones

Different kinds of hormones compromise the human system and an imbalanced production of those could affect the normal growth of hair. An example of this is women's menstrual cycle. Hormonal changes take place in the ovulation period that could cause some hair to lose, so as thyroid and pituitary disorders.

4. Zinc deficiency

Along with diarrhea and eczema, hair loss appears to be a symptom if one has inadequate intake or if the body poorly absorbs zinc.

5. Hair abuses

Too much treatment to hair such as coloring, perming, bleaching, corn rows, and usage of curling irons can wear out and eventually kill the hair. Even excessive use of comb and strong shampoo products can add up to hair loss. Combing the hair for about a hundred times will not really make it healthy; rather, it will lessen the strength of the hair and make it brittle. Shampoos' strong chemicals, on the other hand, can dry the hair up.

6. Giving birth

About a month after a woman gives birth, some of her hair strands have the tendency to fall off easily. Hair strands that fall off are usually from one portion of the head, leaving moon crater-like hair. The falling off of hair in this instance actually does not lead to baldness and it is not permanent, though the recovery period will take up to a year.

These and some other factors cause hair loss. There may be a lot, but the good thing is, there are also quite a lot with regard to medical options of treating this condition. Medicating hair loss can be done by undergoing surgical treatments like scalp grafting, taking oral medications like finasteride pills, or using topical applications such as Profollica.

Can I Grow My Hair Back?

The good news is, you're living in a day and age when treatments for male pattern baldness are readily available. The even better news is that some treatments, such as Profollica, are clinically proven to slow, and in some cases, completely stop hair loss. The trick is addressing hair loss early. While it is common to lose 50 to 100 hair a day, if you notice your hairline receding (for example, if you can see your scalp), or your crown is thinning, you should address your hair loss immediately.

However, caught early enough with Profollica®, you may actually be able to SLOW, STOP, and possibly even REVERSE your hair loss by preventing the formation of DHT!

How It Works To Help Prevent Hair Follicles From Shrinking

Profollica is a three-step, all natural therapy to reduce excessive DHT and encourage your dormant hair follicles to grow hair again. It helps men suffering from male pattern baldness feel attractive again by addressing their hair loss from the inside out, with a daily supplement to reduce your DHT levels, a daily shampoo that stimulates your scalp and awakens your dormant follicles, and an activator gel containing Trichogen, which recent lab tests have suggested reduces hair loss in 90% of male users. Over 85 % of men using Profollica rated their hair growth from mediumto good. By using a three-part, all-inclusive solution to male pattern balding, Profollica is helping men address their hair loss.

So with daily use of Profollica® for two full months, you may experience a visible INCREASE in your hair regrowth, with noticeably LESS hair loss as it:

     Helps prevent the formation of harmful DHT!
     Stops the shrinking of your hair follicles
     Promotes the growth of healthy, thicker NEW thicker!
     Hair is healthier due to improved blood & nutrient circulation in the follicles
     Your scalp oil is regulated (reduces "greasy" look)
     Dormant hair follicles start growing hair again
     Hair elasticity and texture improves
     Hair is STRONGER, with less breakage
     Helps prevent premature greying
     Itchy scalp and dandruff conditions vanish

... Plus much more!

Profollica’s daily supplement has been carefully formulated to feed your body a series of herbals, nutrients, proteins, amino acids, and enzymes that directly target your production of DHT...

... Seeking to interrupt and STOP the formation of follicle-killing DHT!

Plus, it’s also formulated to help reduce the effects of lifestyle conditions that further increase your hair loss like unhealthy diet, ongoing stress, depression, sickness, and more. For maximum benefits plan to continue supplementation for a minimum of 60 days! (And remember that ongoing use is necessary to keep your DHT production under control.)

Step #1 – The Daily Supplement

Profollica’s daily supplement has been carefully formulated to feed your body a series of herbals, nutrients, proteins, amino acids, and enzymes that directly target your production of DHT...

... Seeking to interrupt and STOP the formation of follicle-killing DHT!

Plus, it’s also formulated to help reduce the effects of lifestyle conditions that further increase your hair loss like unhealthy diet, ongoing stress, depression, sickness, and more.

For maximum benefits plan to continue supplementation for a minimum of 60 days! (And remember that ongoing use is necessary to keep your DHT production under control.)

Step #2 – Activator Gel WithTrichogen

Trichogen® has been clinically proven to increase hair growth in up to 90% of men – helping grow thicker, healthier hair while actively blocking the formation of follicle-shrinking DHT!

It’s easy to use the Profollica® Activator Gel – you just massage it into damp hair and scalp after shampooing.

And in clinical trials, after 112 days of using Trichogen, men experienced:

     90% of men said their hair loss had DECREASED!
     87.5% rated their hair growth as "good" or "quite good"
     62.5% rated their hair volume as "good" or "quite good"
     45% said they saw less hair on their pillows
     41% noticed less hair falling out during shampooing
     24% noticed less hair falling out during styling

Here’s a BEFORE and AFTER photo from the Trichogen clinical trial:

The herbal supplement that is provided within Profollica three-part system helps to fight hair loss from the inside out. Through the supplement, the powerful ingredients can work their way quickly into the blood system and revitalize all the body, empowering it to stimulate the follicles and spark hair re-growth much more than even some prescription hair loss products.

In the end, solving hair loss is not an easy thing to do. Simply washing your hair with a special shampoo, or combing in a gel is not enough to get you the results that you dream of. Combining a number of products into a complete system is the best way to truly try and repair your scalp and combat your loss of hair, and that is what makes Profollica so powerful.

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